
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 44)

Rena carries Chelsea into her bedroom, attempting to process what Spencer has just told her; Gwen has moved out without telling them where she was going.
She places her sleepy child in her bed and looks around the room; noticing that it reflects how depressed she’s feeling right now.  This room needs to be livened up, she says and decides to go shopping.
Sarah works on completing her chores, but finds it hard during her bouts of sadness.  She cannot help but connect the fact that the household seems to lose one family member each time a new one is born.  Sarah prays that this is just an unfortunate coincidence.
Despite the fact that they both feel sad about Gwen’s leaving, the fatigue of being new parents takes over and Rena and Spencer lie down for well needed rest; quickly falling asleep.
In the middle of the night, Rena is awakened by baby Candy’s shrill cries.
She attempts to stretch away her sleepiness before going in to check on her.
Meanwhile, baby Candy screams while waiting for her needs to be fulfilled.
A few hours later, Spencer is jolted awake by his alarm clock.  Once again, he is very aware of Gwen’s absence.  I have to find her, he says to himself; barely able to look himself in the eye, because he feels ashamed that she ever felt the need to leave so abruptly.  He feels that it’s his fault.
Rena also wants to know where Gwen has gone as she returns to bed to try and get a little more sleep. 
Spencer leaves for work with a plan in mind.  He’ll start trying to locate Gwen by asking his co-workers to keep and eye out for her.  He’s not sure how likely it is that any of them will actually ever run into Gwen, but it’s a start.
In the meantime, Chelsea and Candy’s nursery gets a fresh coat of paint and new bed coverings; more fitting for two young girls.
Rena, happy with the changes, goes in to care for the babies as they slowly begin to awaken.
Spencer leaves work with a promotion to Department Head.  Although he would love to celebrate, he’s still tired from the time spent at the hospital the night before. 
He pushes his fatigue to the back burner for a moment.  First he decides to run to the city park and a few popular areas in the middle of town to see if Gwen may be there.
Meanwhile, Rena takes advantage of a few moments to herself to shower…
…and to change up her look in an attempt to feel a little better about the family’s current situation.

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