
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 45)

Feeling pretty good about her new look, Rena grabs some of Sarah’s delicious French Toast; hoping that Spencer likes her hair.
 Spencer’s efforts to locate Gwen were in vain.  He searched the park, the theater, bookstore and grocery store, but Gwen was nowhere to be seen.  He gives up, returns home and rests his tired body on the bed.
 Sarah makes sure to keep busy; once again aware that Spencer has yet to officially address whether he plans to keep her on as their hired help.
 Rena migrates to the piano longing to feel the ebony, ivory keys beneath her fingers once again.  Parenthood leaves little time for other endeavors.
 After a short nap, Spencer is feeling better.
 He reflects on the successes in his life, like his growing family and his fast paced movement up the corporate ladder.  At the same time, he thinks about his failures, which can be summed up with just one name…Gwen.
Little Chelsea is in her room playing and chewing on her blocks.
  Spencer is drawn to the room by baby Candy’s fussing.  This is the first time Spencer has had a moment alone with his girls since Candy was born.
He takes Candy into his arms and instantly becomes slightly emotional that his mother never had a chance to met her pretty new granddaughter that shares her name.
The sadness doesn’t last long.  Spencer is determined not to taint this special moment with a melancholy mood.
Sarah continues her duties; preparing another new recipe.
“That smells incredible!” Spencer compliments as he enters the kitchen.

“Thank you,” Sarah replies shyly.
They both grab a plate and take a seat at the dinning room table.  “Uh, Sarah…I’ve been thinking,” Spencer begins. 

Sarah’s fork immediately stops just as it enters her mouth. 
Oh God, she says to herself. Is he getting ready to let me go?
“I just realized that we never really addressed you staying here after mom died.”
“Uh…no…we haven’t,” Sarah replies nervously.

Spencer frowns, thinking to himself that perhaps Sarah may not be interested in staying with the family.  “Do you want to stay?”  He asks.
“Yes, yes…of course.  This family means a lot to me,”  Sarah answers quickly.

Spencer is relieved.  “Great!  You mean a lot to us.”
“You have seen us through some tough times.  I’ve been thinking that a raise might be in order.”
“Uh…that’s not necessary Spencer.  It’s my pleasure to be here.”

“Yes, but I’d feel better if I felt that you were getting all that you deserve,” Spencer counters.
“Whatever you feel is fair,” Sarah finally agrees.
“And…” Spencer continues.  “You need to take more time off…get out and make friends,” he suggests.

“Totally not necessary…but I appreciate it,” Sarah says pleased at the kindness the Pratt family continues to show her.

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