
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 46)

Now that things are settled with Sarah, Spencer sits down at the computer to manage the family properties.
While Rena gives Chelsea some one on one time while baby Candy is sleeping.
Rena is pleased that Chelsea seems to have inherited Spencer’s brilliant mind.  She quickly learns which shapes to place in which hole.
Chelsea is also very close to learning to walk. 
Even potty training seems to come easy for Chelsea.  She can’t talk,  but she’s already learned to communicate using gestures when she needs to use her potty.
Having two babies in diapers is definitely a strain for Rena who knows that life will be a lot easier once Chelsea is successfully trained. 
Spencer is excited to be in a new suit, ready for his first day as Department Head.
Now that Spencer has confirmed that he wants her to remain with the family, Sarah goes about her task of cooking breakfast with more confidence.
Spencer’s car pool arrives right on time.
Reflecting on the way to work, he knows that his mother, Candy, would have been proud of his quick succession up the corporate ladder at work.
It was her desire that he work his way up, rather than just handing him a position at the top.  A smile spreads across Spencer’s face as he imagines her smiling down on him.
He has big plans as department head that he knows his mother would have approved of.
Rena, on the other hand, is a bit stressed knowing that her days as a stay-at-home mom are drawing to a close.  She takes on her first assignment as an interior decorator tomorrow.
Spencer arrives home with incredible news.
Rena arrives downstairs just as he enters the house.
“You won’t believe what happened at work today!”  Spencer announces as soon as he sees her.
Rena cannot even guess.

“I was promoted to Division Manager!  Can you believe it?”
“Are you serious?  Didn’t you just get the Department Head promotion?”

“Yes, but I came up with a killer idea during our department meeting today.  The head boss immediately called me to his office and promoted me on the spot!”
“That’s incredible!” Rena says before rewarding him with a kiss.
Missing his daughters all day, Spencer heads up to spend a little time with them, content at his ability to provide everything they need and more.

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