
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 47)

 Later that evening, Spencer receives a last minute invitation from his cousin Giuseppe for a pool party to celebrate Giuseppe’s birthday. 
 He can already hear that the party is in full swing as he approaches his cousin’s house.
 Spencer’s half brother Nicky is the first person he sees when he arrives. 

“How’s dad? I haven’t heard from him in a
while,” Spencer says.
 “He’s alright.  He’s been asking about you.”

“Yeah, I need to get by to see him.  I’ve just been so busy with work and the children.”
 “He’s been wondering when you were going to bring the baby by to see him.  He’s convinced that his days are numbered, but he’s as healthy as always.”  Nicky reveals.

“Yeah, but he’s getting older.  I’ll visit as soon as possible,” Spencer promises.
 Giuseppe walks over to greet Spencer,  “Hey cousin.”

“Thanks for the invitation.”
 “I’ve been meaning to ask you if you’ve seen Gwen around,” Spencer asks.

“She’s been by a few times to see Lindsay.  Why, what’s up?”
 Spencer decides not to unload his problems with Gwen to his cousin, so he changes the subject.  “Ah, no biggie.  I brought you something.” Spencer says pulling out a wrapped package.
 Yo thanks!  You didn’t have to bring anything,” Giuseppe says.

“Give it back then,” Spencer replies with a smile.

Naw, I’ll just hold on to it.”
 Spencer decides to step away from the party for a bit and take advantage of the nice pool outside.
 Just as he climbs into the warm water, Gwen arrives. 
 Spencer spends a fair amount of time in the pool, while Gwen and the others party inside.
 Finally the party begins to disperse and Gwen decides to leave.
 Just as everyone starts getting into their cars, Spencer ascends from the pool.
 Totally unaware that he missed the very person that he has been looking for, Spencer arrives home.
 As he walks in the door, baby Candy ages up to a toddler.
Rena is pleased that her daughters are growing up healthy, but is also saddened, because it means that her maternity leave has come to an end.

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