
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 49)

While Rena is working, Sarah is in charge of taking care of the babies.  Chelsea wakes up from her nap screaming for her mother.
 Sarah takes her out of the crib and her new ability to walk keeps her content for a while.
 Baby Candy also finds something to keep her entertained.
 Although it adds to her work load, Sarah, who never had any children of her own, takes pleasure in spending time with the Pratt babies.
 With Sarah in charge of the babies, Spencer comes home and takes a well needed nap.
That is until his rest is interrupted by his ringing cell phone.  With Rena still out of the house, he jumps up to answer, just in case it’s her.
 “Hello,” he answers in a sleepy groggy voice.
 The call is from one of his co-workers, “I know where your sister is living.” The co-worker informs him.
 Not only was his co-worker able to find out where Gwen had moved, but he was also able to talk her into giving him her phone number.  Spencer is relieved to have that mystery solved.
 Shortly after Spencer receives the call, Rena arrives home from her first client’s home.
 They sit down to eat leftover turkey together, and Spencer tells her that he has found Gwen.  Rena is thrilled to hear it.  “Invite her to Chelsea’s birthday party,” she suggests.
 Meanwhile, Sarah is given the night off.  She is reluctant to take it, but as soon as she is in the car, she’s glad to be out of the house.
Not having any friends to visit, Sarah takes a trip to the book store in search of new recipes.
She buys what she needs and searches for a nice quiet place to read it.  The newly remodeled library has recently opened, so she heads there.
First she takes a look around, enjoying the updated look of the library.
She finds a comfortable bench and settles down to read and add to her culinary library.
Back at home, Spencer takes Rena’s advise and dials Gwen’s phone number.
The phone picks up, but it’s Gwen’s answering machine.  At the beep, Spencer leaves a message,  “Hey Gwen…this is your brother Spencer.  I uh…was wondering if…we’re throwing my oldest daughter a birthday party tomorrow, and…we’d love for you to come….OK…hope to see you.  By the way, we really miss you.”
While Spencer is finishing his call to Gwen,  Sarah arrives back home and spends her down time watching TV…
…before heading to bed for the first time in a long time without having to clean the house first.

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