
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 50)

 Satisfied with his effort to reconnect with Gwen, Spencer heads to the hot tub in the morning to relax and enjoy some music before Chelsea’s birthday party.
 With the babies settled in for a morning nap, Rena joins him.
 “Well, I called Gwen and left a message, inviting her to the party.  I really hopes she comes,” Spencer says.
 He slides over and places his arm around Rena.  “Well, you’ve done all you can.  The ball is in her court now, ” Rena answers.

“Yeah,” Spencer agrees.
 He leans over and gives Rena a kiss.
 Later, Spencer heads upstairs to bring Chelsea down to blow out her candles.
 Just as he changes her out of her pajamas, he’s greeted by a familiar voice, “So what…you finally got around to wondering about me?”
 Spencer turns and is pleasantly surprised to see Gwen.  He places Chelsea on the ground.  “Gwen?”  he says as if he’s not sure it’s really her.
 “What?  You don’t recognize me?”

Spencer smiles at her sarcasm; he’s truly glad to hear it.
 Gwen looks down at Chelsea.  “She’s getting so big and she looks just like you,” she remarks.
 Spencer continues staring as if he’s in a daze.  Gwen is amused and responds by waving her hand.  “Hello…is Spencer in there?”
 “I’m sorry.  I just can’t believe you just left like that.”

Gwen looks down as if ashamed,  “Yeah, that was sort of witchy of me, wasn’t it?”
 “I just don’t understand why you did it.  Was I that terrible to you?”
 “No, it was me,” she responds. 

“I really want to try to improve our relationship,” Spencer begins.
 “Could you please give me a chance to do that?”  He continues.
 “Sure…why not.  Life is too short, right?”
 “I really missed you,” Spencer adds.

“You know?  I missed you too big bro.”
 “Thanks for coming Gwen.”
 Rena arrives upstairs to collect Chelsea.  “I hate to interrupt, but are we having this party or what?”  She asks, glad to see Gwen and Spencer attempting to get along.
 Everyone heads downstairs and gathers around Chelsea and her birthday cake.
 Happy to have the family back together again, everyone makes as much noise as possible in celebration of Chelsea.
 Chelsea ages up.
 The rest of Chelsea’s guests arrive and everyone heads over for some of Sarah’s great food.
 Spencer  finds it hard to hold back the smiles now that Gwen is back in his life.  He’s also glad that his father, Sam, was able to make it to the party.
 Secretly, Gwen is also glad to be back.  She doesn’t know how Spencer will feel when he finds out that she makes her living as a professional thief, but for now she’s content just being around the family again.
 Sarah really outdid herself on the pie.  Some guests eat their first serving and return for seconds.
 Sam eats his pie in a hurry and heads upstairs to meet his newest granddaughter, baby Candy.
 Spencer and Chelsea sit at the table and enjoy Sarah’s pie.
 “There’s a surprise for you upstairs,” Spencer reveals as Chelsea eats her pie.
 Chelsea rushes upstairs and is greeted by a beautiful new castle themed bedroom set.

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