
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 37)

Lexus and Terrance go straight to bed, both knowing how hard it is to get any sleep when there’s a new baby in the house.
 Sure enough, baby Ethan’s cries can be heard early in the morning.  Lexus wakes up to respond.
 It’s time for his feeding and a diaper change.
 Lexus spends a few moments playing with him to further settle him down.
 She then checks her cell phone messages; seeing that most of the calls are from family waiting to meet Ethan.
 Although she would love to spend the day catching up on sleep, she calls up her family members and invites them over for a chance to meet Ethan.  She even calls up Terrance’s mother.
 After making her calls, Lexus goes back to bed to try and get a few more hours of sleep. Meanwhile, Terrance reluctantly gets out of bed to get ready for work.
 Terrance would much rather spend his time at home with Lexus and the baby, but realizes that he has to make money to support his growing family.
 Still, if he had an opportunity to make money from home, he would be happy to quit his job at the bistro.
With no time to prepare breakfast, Terrance grabs left-overs from the fridge.
He uses his precious few moments before work to sneak a peak at his son, who’s sleeping soundly in his crib.
Guests begin to arrive just as Terrance’s car pool shows up.
He greets his mother with a quick hello as he runs to make it to his car pool on time.  He feels bad leaving Lexus to entertain their guests alone.
Lexus drags herself out of bed, dresses and picks Ethan up for his debut with the family.
Lexus greets Notzo and, her no longer little, brother Taye.
“Wow, you are growing up so quickly,” she says noting how tall Taye has gotten.
Next Lexus greets her mother and her older brother Clark.
“My grandson is beautiful,” Mercedes remarks, staring at Ethan. 
“I still can’t believe that you’re a mother and a wife,”  She confesses.
“Don’t start getting all teary eyed and sentimental.  My hormones are still out of whack,” Lexus warns feeling her herself becoming emotional.
Lexus orders a pizza as her guests begin to get tired, restless and hungry.
Everyone migrates to the kitchen to eat before they all begin to say their goodbyes and go home.
Before long, Lexus is alone; exhausted with a very sleepy Ethan who is ready for his feeding.

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