
Friday, March 23, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 38)

 Terrance leaves work feeling very unsatisfied with his job.  He wants more than anything to quit, but understands that it’s something that he has to discuss with Lexus.
Hearing noise downstairs, Lexus has a flashback to the evening when her home was broken into before she married Terrance.  “Terrance?” She hesitantly calls out.
 Terrance, who doesn’t hear her call out, hopes that he hasn’t awakened her.
 Terrance?  Is that you?” She calls again.
 This time Terrance responds, “It’s me…are you ok?”
 “I’m ok.  I heard a noise and got scared,” Lexus admits.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”
 “I really don’t like you and Ethan being here at night alone,” Terrance says as he sits next to her on the bed.

“We’ll be OK.  I was just being paranoid,” Lexus answers.
 They slide under the covers and decide to share a moment of intimacy before Ethan wakes up. 
 A few hours later, Ethan does wake up.  Lexus is still fast asleep, so Terrance decides to respond.
 Again, he is considering quitting his job.  Lexus will be back at work soon and he cannot imagine leaving Ethan with a sitter while they both work.
 Terrance stares into his son’s beautiful eyes as he lifts him out of the crib.
 As he gives Ethan his bottle, he considers what it would be like to stay home with Ethan, study cooking and write cookbooks from home.
 Terrance gets back in bed and it’s Lexus’ turn to wake up early.
 However, she’s awake for a totally different reason.
 Lexus flushes the toilet with the realization that she could possibly be pregnant again.
 Afraid to tell Terrance, she decides to do a few household chores to avoid the inevitable.
 Terrance is downstairs preparing breakfast, also attempting to delay a much needed conversation with Lexus.
 A little worried about Terrance’s reaction to having another child, Lexus decides to call her mother for advice.
 Mercedes answers on the second ring.  “Hey mom…I needed some advice…” Lexus begins.
 After a short hesitation, she continues, “I think I may be pregnant again, but I’m afraid to tell Terrance.”

“Why are you afraid?  Lexus, you’re married now.  You can’t be afraid to talk to your husband,” Mercedes tells her.
 “I know, I just…we never talked about how many children we wanted to have.”  Lexus tries to explain.

Mercedes answers in a no nonsense tone.
“Well you’d better start talking,” she advises.

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