
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 52)

 Zawadi arrives at school. Trying not to be obvious, she causally searches the hallways for Mitchell and Michael.  Not spotting them right away, she walks to class disappointed.
 At home, Sephora gets an opportunity to spend a little time with Dazzle. 
 While Miles heads to the park to play for tips.  His goal is to pay back the advance as soon as possible so that the family can begin to build a savings.
 While Sephora cleans the kitchen, she can’t help but admire the new improvements that Mile’s advance was able to help them make to the home.
 Still, she’s anxious as she writes checks for bills that wouldn’t exist if Miles did not take the advance.
 She returns the bills to the mailbox, praying that Miles is able to do what it takes to secure the family’s financial future.
 She retreats to the garden to keep her mind from wandering and worrying.
 At the park, Miles has drawn some flirty female attention.
 Knowing that warding off the females will be a big part of managing his career, he does what he can to not lead any of the ladies on.
 But, he’s human and cannot help but be flattered as the ladies smile and tell him how much they love his music.
 Sephora heads to the grocery store to get new seeds for her garden. 
 Back at home, she works hard at planting and fertilizing her new crops.
 School has ended for the day.  Zawadi wasn’t successful at locating Mitchell and Michael during the school day.  It’s not until the end of the day that she’s sure that they have in fact enrolled at the local high school.
Her pulse increases when she finally spots Mitchell heading for the door soon after the dismissal bell has rung.
 Her attempts to catch up with them is thwarted by crowds in the hallway. 
When she’s finally able to navigate through, Mitchell and Michael are gone.  She turns and heads to her art club.

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