
Monday, July 16, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 53)

 Feeling like she needed a change, Sephora takes her braids down and styles her hair into an afro.  She stares into the mirror, noticing little signs of aging that she never noticed before.
 Meanwhile, Miles arrives home from earning tips.  He spots Zawadi sitting at the table.
 The whole boy thing has been on Miles’ mind a lot.  He wants to make sure that he’s spending enough time with Zawadi so she doesn’t feel the need to fall for any of the tricks that teenage boys sometimes use.
 He approaches her, “Do you still want that driving lesson I promised you?” He asks hoping that Zawadi goes for it.
 “What!  In the new car?  Of course!” Zawadi answers excitedly.
Her excitement dwindles once she’s actually behind the wheel of the car and the nervousness kicks in. 

“OK Zawadi, take your foot
off the brakes and give the car a little gas,” Miles instructs.
Zawadi gives the car gas, but neglects to remove her other foot from the brakes.  The car lurches forward and stops violently.  “No!  You have to take your other foot off the brakes!” Miles says attempting to conceal the nervousness in his voice.
  “But what do I do with my foot?” Zawadi asks. 
“Your other foot just rests on the side, off of the pedals.”
“But what if I need to hit the brakes again?” Zawadi asks sounding slightly exasperated at the thought of not having her foot ready to hit the brakes.
“You use the same foot that you use for the gas pedal,” Miles answers calmly to counteract Zawadi’s nervousness.
The car glides down the hill picking up speed.  Nervous that the car is going too fast, Zawadi slams on the brakes, causing the car to lurch to a stop.  “Zawadi!” Miles says a little too anxiously.  He takes a moment to calm himself, before continuing.  “Just ease on the brake gently.  You don’t have to push very hard.”
As the car approaches the Owen’s house, Zawadi’s nervousness increases.  What if Mitchell is watching me?  She asks herself.
The thought of having Mitchell witness her poor attempt at driving combined with his father, Mr. Owens standing outside the house, is too much for Zawadi.  She gets confused and once again attempts to drive with one foot on the gas and one on the brake.
The car jerks forward as Zawadi continuously hits gas then brakes, then gas then brakes.  Miles notices the change in her demeanor and takes a close look at the Owens house.  So this is where the boy lives, he notes to himself.
“Zawadi, take your other foot off the brakes,” he instructs again.
“I can’t!  I’m scared to,” Zawadi says raising her voice a little more than she intended.  She swears that she can see Mitchell looking out the window.
Back at home, Sephora uses her time to finish up a new sculpture that’s sure to bring in a lot of money for the family.
She decides to soak in the tub awhile to wash off the dirt and grime caused by the discarded stone pieces.
“OK, Zawadi, I need you to slow down and make a u-turn here,” Miles says in a careful calm voice.
“I can’t!  Oh no, there’s a car!”  Zawadi shouts, voice filled with nervous tension.
Miles is able to carefully instruct Zawadi to turn the car and head back home.  He tries to remain calm, so that Zawadi won’t worry, but inside, he is a nervous wreck over Zawadi’s driving.  He prays that the breaks on the car are not damaged by her insistence on driving with both feet.
Despite her father’s efforts, Zawadi is still anxious about driving.  She heads out to her easel in an attempt to calm her nerves.
Painting outside under the stars has a soothing effect on her.  Before long, her stress is alleviated.
She spends a few moments with Dazzle, then prepares for bed.
Miles enjoys a rare moment relaxing and watching TV, while Sephora studies up on a new recipe.
After learning to prepare organic cookies, Sephora finishes up some last minute housework.
Exhausted, Zawadi is on her way to bed.

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