
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 54)

 Zawadi wakes the next morning with the promise of a incredible day on her mind.
 She rushes to the school bus excited.  Today her class is scheduled to take a field trip to the old local mausoleum.  If that isn’t exciting enough, tonight is also the night of her prom.
 Soon after she gets to school, the class begins to load onto the bus.  Zawadi sits down and notices Mr. Owens, Mitchell’s father, sitting up at the front of the bus.  Zawadi has no idea why he would be here on the school bus.
 Suddenly, it doesn’t seem as odd when Mitchell runs up to the bus.
 Mitchell and his brother load up on the bus.  Michael sits up close to his father, while Mitchell chooses a sit across the aisle from Zawadi.
 “Hey Zawadi!  I’m in your science class now,” Mitchell announces.

“Why’s your father here?” Zawadi asks.

“Chaperone,” Mitchell answers.  “Embarrassing, huh?  Who wants their dad to come along on their field trip?”
 The bus pulls up to the cemetery.  Mr. Owens stands up to go over a few rules, “Keep your hands to yourself, keep your hands to yourself and keep your hands to yourself.  Oh…and no running!”  He instructs.
 It’s obvious that no one heard the last rule, because as soon as the bus stops, everyone takes off running with Mitchell in the lead.
 “I said NO RUNNING!”  Mr. Owens calls out in his deep booming voice.
 He gives up after no one seems to be listening.  In fact, he breaks into a light jog himself to keep up with the class.
 “Stop at the door!”  He calls out, hoping that the students will at least listen to that.
 He didn’t have to bother.  As soon as Mitchell and the others get to the mausoleum, they all stop abruptly and stare at the spooky doors.
 “OK, as we enter, stay together and remember not to touch anything,” Mr. Owens says.

Zawadi barely hears this set of instructions.  Her eyes are on Mitchell, hoping that she’ll be able to stay close to him as they tour the mausoleum.
She cannot wait until tonight when she’ll definitely have the opportunity to be closer to him.  Her stomach flutters just thinking about it.
 It’s time to enter the mausoleum, but everyone is afraid to enter first.  Mr. Owens takes the lead and enters.
 The rest of the class stands around trying to decide who’ll go in next.  Finally Mitchell follows his father inside.
Zawadi is last to enter.  Her stomach now flipping for a different reason entirely.

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