
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 55)

 So far all is well at the mausoleum. Zawadi’s attention is on Mitchell and trying to stay close to him during the tour.
At home, Miles decides to stay home instead of playing in the park for tips.  He has to mentally prepare himself to meet Zawadi’s prom date tonight.
 Just thinking about the whole thing changes his mood.  Instead of playing a light upbeat tune like he intended, the notes come out dark and slightly angry sounding.
“You okay?” Sephora asks, picking up on Miles odd mood.

“Yeah,” he lies, but follows it up by forcing himself to play with less scorn.
Inside the mausoleum, Mr. Owens gets the students to line up in preparation to board the bus.  Everyone is a little disappointed that they didn’t witness anything spooky inside. 
 Little do they know…all the haunting they expected to see is occurring outside, evident by a bench that slowly rises six inches off the ground.
 The spirit that possessed it briefly shows himself, but disappears just as the students walk out into the daylight.
 Zawadi leaves the mausoleum slightly puzzled.  During the whole tour, Mitchell basically ignored her.
 By the time she makes it to the bus, she’s convinced herself that he probably just doesn’t like her.  Did he agree to attend the prom with me just to be polite? She asks herself.
 The bus pulls up to her house after stopping to drop the Owen’s off at their house down the hill.  “See you tonight,” Mitchell says to her just before jumping off the bus.
 Zawadi is even more confused, because his tone was friendly toward her.
 Zawadi decides to avoid her parents and rushes out back to play with Dazzle, who looks up at her with what looks like pure adoration.
 Zawadi doesn’t even notice.  She’s too excited about the prom tonight. 
 “I hope Mitchell likes my dress,” she says to herself.
 “I’ll see you later Dazzle,” she says before putting Dazzle back down on the ground.
 Zawadi has time to kill before she has to start getting ready for the prom.
 She enters her parent’s room with the intention of relaxing a little on the bed before the limo comes.
 Before she knows what’s hit her, she falls asleep in the comfort of her parent’s bed; her last attempt at holding on to a bit of her childhood.
 While Zawadi is resting, Miles receives a call from Robert Owens, Mitchell’s father.
They both agree that it would be wise to meet and get to know one another a little, before sending their children off to the prom together.

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