
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 56)

 Soon after Miles speaks with Mr. Owens on the phone, Mitchell and his father show up at the door.
“You taking my daughter to the prom?” Miles says attempting to sound as intimidating as possible.

“Ye…yes sir,” Mitchell
 “My daughter is to be treated with the up most respect,” Miles demands.

“Of course sir,” Mitchell says afraid to say anything else.
 “Daddy!” Zawadi says catching her dad in the act of giving Mitchell a hard time.

Miles decides that he’s said enough, but he gives Mitchell one last stern
glance to reinforce his point.
Finally, Miles is satisfied that he’s put enough fear into Mitchell.  He smiles and offers his hand, “I’m Mr. Ward by the way.  It’s nice to meet you.”
 “Daddy, why’d you do that?”  Zawadi asks her father; unhappy that he was being so mean to Mitchell.

Mitchell enters the house and waves at
Sephora; relieved to be away from Miles.
 Miles walks over to Mr. Owens to formally introduce himself.
“Sorry about that,” Zawadi says embarrassed.  “I don’t know why he was being like that.”

“It’s OK.  My dad told me to expect that,” Mitchell says.
 “Sorry about giving your son the business.  I gotta protect my daughter, you know?” Miles says.

“I understand.  Neither one of us needs to be grandfathers too soon.”
 Miles and Robert Owens shake hands. “It’s nice to finally meet,” Miles says.
 Zawadi and Mitchell stand in the house; suddenly not knowing what to say to each other.
Meanwhile, Sephora stands in the kitchen having a mini breakdown as her neurotic trait kicks in.  
 She knows that she should be there for her daughter right now; taking pictures and helping her get ready for her prom, but the thought of Zawadi growing up and dating is just too much for her.
 “I apologize that we haven’t been by your house to introduce ourselves yet.  We’ve been busy with work,” Miles explains.
“That’s ok.  Zawadi has done more than enough to make us feel welcomed.”

“What?  Has she been to your house a lot?”  Miles asks suddenly concerned.
 “Just a few times, but she’s been a good friend to my boys.”

Miles is not sure how he should feel about that.
 “So…do you think we should get ready now?  Did you bring your tux?”
Just as Zawadi and Mitchell are about to change into their prom clothes, a white stretched limo pulls up in front of the house.
Mitchell changes quickly and rushes outside to get a good look at the limo; excited because he’s never been in one.

Zawadi looks around for her mother, who has suddenly disappeared.  
 Zawadi changes into her dressed, disappointed that her mother isn’t around to help.  “Where is she?” she asks herself; angered that her mother seems to have abandoned her on one of the most important nights of her life.
 The excitement gets to Mitchell and he forgets to be a gentleman.  He heads straight for the limo without waiting for Zawadi.
 Zawadi is forced to run to catch up with him.
 She too is excited about riding in a limo for the first time.
Just as he gets close to the limo, Mitchell remembers his manners and the fact that his father instructed him to remember to open the door for his date.  He slows down so that Zawadi can catch up to him.  However, she runs right past him.

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