
Friday, July 27, 2012

Sims 3: The Deans (part 40)

Despite being overly intoxicated, Tania manages to drive home without killing herself or anyone else.  By the time she makes it into the house, her head is spinning so much that she places a hand on her head, thinking that it will help to steady her.
Her bumbling and stumbling downstairs wakes Antwain.  He checks the time and sees that it’s almost 7 in the morning.
Antwain is more relieved than angry. Thank God she’s home,  he says to himself.
He can hear Tania mumbling to herself and finally suspects that she may have had a few too many drinks.
“One, twho, tree…” Tania mumbles attempting to count on her fingers.
Antwain makes it downstairs to witness Tania clumsily attempting to go over some of her martial arts moves.
“Tania…are you drunk?” Antwain asks.

Wut you trtry’na say?”  Tania returns defensively.
“I think you need to get in bed.”

“I not tired,” Tania says unconvincingly.
“Seriously babe, let’s get you into bed,” Antwain attempts to say as calmly as possible.

“I not a

“I know, but you’ve had too much to drink.”
“An exaaactly how much is toooo much.”

“One daaay married and you try’na be my daddy!”
“No Tania.  I love you and I want to take care of you.  Please come upstairs with me.”

For a moment, it appears that
Antwain has gotten through to her.
“No!  I juss loss my brotha…again.  Leave me alone!”

“Okay babe.  Do what you want.”
“I feel sick,” Tania suddenly says in totally different tone. “I think I go to behed now.”

“OK babe. Good idea.”
Tania stares at Antwain angrily for reasons he cannot even guess, but she doesn’t say anything to his relief.
Tatiana leaves her bedroom and stands in the hallway, listening to the whole thing; shaking her head.
Tania finally stumbles her way upstairs, refusing to allow Antwain to help her.  She falls asleep before her head even hits the pillow.
Tatiana sits in the bathroom thinking.  There has to be something she can do to help her granddaughter. 
Antwain sits down to breakfast, but cannot eat.  He too knows that he has to do something to help his wife through this incredibly difficult time.

Sims 3: The Deans (part 39)

While Tania is at the bar losing control, Antwain is at home doing house work; beginning to worry.
Again he wishes that she had allowed him to be there for her.  She has to be an emotional mess right now, he says to himself.
Maybe she’s at her parent’s house, he reasons.
He decides to call Bianca who tells him that she hasn’t seen Tania since she left the cemetery hours ago.  Bianca leaves out the part about Tania attempting to give her a picture of George III’s ghost and their subsequent argument.
While Antwain is still oblivious to the issues that Tania is suffering through, Tatiana is very aware.  She suspects that she knows exactly where Tania is.
Knowing doesn’t make her feel any better.  In fact, it makes her worry more.
As much as she’d like to intervene, Tatiana knows that this is a battle that Tania going to have to face alone.  There is nothing that she can do to save her granddaughter from the abyss that she’s quickly sliding into.
Antwain tries not to worry too much.  He knows that Tania is very capable of taking care of… and defending herself if necessary.
He figures that she may have stopped by a friend’s house on the way back. 
He puts it out of his mind as much as possible and continues doing the laundry.
As much as he’d like to wait up for her, he thinks it best to give her space for a while and goes to bed.
Meanwhile, Tania can barely stand upright.  Every time she stops drinking, dizziness overcomes her.
Lacking in judgment, she tries to overcome the feeling with yet another drink.
With no thought on how she will get home, she drinks it.
Even the most self destructive drunk finally gets to a point when they know it’s time to stop.  Tania’s point comes when she can barely see.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sims 3: The Deans (part 38)

 Shortly after, Bianca joins Tania as she heads to the cemetery.

“You okay?”  Bianca asks, instinctively picking up that Tania is anything but okay.
“No,” Tania answers wiping away fresh tears before replacing her hand on the steering wheel.

Bianca detects blame in Tania’s answer.
 The mother and daughter hesitate just outside the cemetery; Tania clutching George III’s ashes in one hand.

“It’s for the best,” Bianca says attempting to reassure her daughter.

“For whom?” Tania whispers before walking away.
After George III’s ashes are re-buried in their final resting place, Tania breaks down all over again.
 Bianca stands across the cemetery, hurting to see her daughter in so much pain.
 Tania pulls herself together enough to rejoin her mother.  She pulls out a wrapped package and hands it to Bianca, “I have a surprise for you.”
 “What is it?”  Bianca asks suspiciously.

Tania is hurt by the distrust she hears in her mother’s voice.  “It’s a picture…of him.  He visited me last night.”
 “A what?  A picture of his ghost…”Bianca asks in disbelief.
 “I don’t want it!”  She continues shoving the package back into Tania’s hands; horrified that Tania would give her such a thing.

“But…” Tania begins not understanding why her mother is responding this way.
 “You need to stop this Tania!  Let him go!”  Her mother says; her voice sharp and stinging.

“Sorry mom, but I find it hard to do that.  I’m not as heartless as you and dad,” Tania stabs back.
 Bianca walks away wordlessly and Tania immediately wishes she could take back what she said.
 Tania watches as Bianca leaves the cemetery.  She can tell by Bianca’s stiff gait that she has gone too far.  Tania has hurt her mother deeply.
 Not willing to face reality any longer, Tania heads to the only place where she knows she can find a little respite…the local bar.
 If she could dig out the pain that fills her, she would.  But it’s impossible to do that.
 Instead, Tania decides to drown it out, one glass at a time.
 Immediately, she feels a warmness that starts in her core and begins to spread to her head.
 Although the pain has not gone away, Tania feels loose and uninhibited.  She grabs a stranger by the hand and begins to dance with him…no longer controlled by pain, but instead the alcohol.
 She knows that as a newly married woman, she shouldn’t be dancing so seductively with this man who is not her husband, but she doesn’t care.
The guy eventually spots Tania’s wedding ring and walks away, in an attempt to avoid any trouble.  Tania continues to dance.
 One moment she is having fun, the next George III’s face pops into her head.  A sob threatens to take over.  Tania suppresses it and walks over to the bar to order another drink.
 This drink is much stronger.  Tania takes it down a sip at a time, attempting to recover between each dose.
 Her head is spinning, but it doesn’t stop her.
 Tania is dizzy and her legs can barely support her.  She falls into the nearest bar stool and waits for the room to stop spinning.
 “What am I doing to myself?”  She asks, never before feeling so out of control with intoxication.
Tania knows that Antwain is probably at home waiting for her, but she can’t stop herself.  “Anotha one fa da roa…” she says slurring her words.
 The bartender complies by pouring yet another drink.
 “Put it ri hur,” Tania says pointing at a specific spot in front of her on the bar.
The glass is placed in front of her.  Tania smiles because one glass appears to be two. She attempts to steady herself enough to pick it up.
Finally, she’s able to pick it up.  She downs it in one gulp.