
Friday, July 27, 2012

Sims 3: The Deans (part 40)

Despite being overly intoxicated, Tania manages to drive home without killing herself or anyone else.  By the time she makes it into the house, her head is spinning so much that she places a hand on her head, thinking that it will help to steady her.
Her bumbling and stumbling downstairs wakes Antwain.  He checks the time and sees that it’s almost 7 in the morning.
Antwain is more relieved than angry. Thank God she’s home,  he says to himself.
He can hear Tania mumbling to herself and finally suspects that she may have had a few too many drinks.
“One, twho, tree…” Tania mumbles attempting to count on her fingers.
Antwain makes it downstairs to witness Tania clumsily attempting to go over some of her martial arts moves.
“Tania…are you drunk?” Antwain asks.

Wut you trtry’na say?”  Tania returns defensively.
“I think you need to get in bed.”

“I not tired,” Tania says unconvincingly.
“Seriously babe, let’s get you into bed,” Antwain attempts to say as calmly as possible.

“I not a

“I know, but you’ve had too much to drink.”
“An exaaactly how much is toooo much.”

“One daaay married and you try’na be my daddy!”
“No Tania.  I love you and I want to take care of you.  Please come upstairs with me.”

For a moment, it appears that
Antwain has gotten through to her.
“No!  I juss loss my brotha…again.  Leave me alone!”

“Okay babe.  Do what you want.”
“I feel sick,” Tania suddenly says in totally different tone. “I think I go to behed now.”

“OK babe. Good idea.”
Tania stares at Antwain angrily for reasons he cannot even guess, but she doesn’t say anything to his relief.
Tatiana leaves her bedroom and stands in the hallway, listening to the whole thing; shaking her head.
Tania finally stumbles her way upstairs, refusing to allow Antwain to help her.  She falls asleep before her head even hits the pillow.
Tatiana sits in the bathroom thinking.  There has to be something she can do to help her granddaughter. 
Antwain sits down to breakfast, but cannot eat.  He too knows that he has to do something to help his wife through this incredibly difficult time.

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