
Friday, July 27, 2012

Sims 3: The Deans (part 39)

While Tania is at the bar losing control, Antwain is at home doing house work; beginning to worry.
Again he wishes that she had allowed him to be there for her.  She has to be an emotional mess right now, he says to himself.
Maybe she’s at her parent’s house, he reasons.
He decides to call Bianca who tells him that she hasn’t seen Tania since she left the cemetery hours ago.  Bianca leaves out the part about Tania attempting to give her a picture of George III’s ghost and their subsequent argument.
While Antwain is still oblivious to the issues that Tania is suffering through, Tatiana is very aware.  She suspects that she knows exactly where Tania is.
Knowing doesn’t make her feel any better.  In fact, it makes her worry more.
As much as she’d like to intervene, Tatiana knows that this is a battle that Tania going to have to face alone.  There is nothing that she can do to save her granddaughter from the abyss that she’s quickly sliding into.
Antwain tries not to worry too much.  He knows that Tania is very capable of taking care of… and defending herself if necessary.
He figures that she may have stopped by a friend’s house on the way back. 
He puts it out of his mind as much as possible and continues doing the laundry.
As much as he’d like to wait up for her, he thinks it best to give her space for a while and goes to bed.
Meanwhile, Tania can barely stand upright.  Every time she stops drinking, dizziness overcomes her.
Lacking in judgment, she tries to overcome the feeling with yet another drink.
With no thought on how she will get home, she drinks it.
Even the most self destructive drunk finally gets to a point when they know it’s time to stop.  Tania’s point comes when she can barely see.

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