
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sims 3: The Deans (part 37)

No longer able to avoid the inevitable, Tania slowly walks over and stands beside George III’s grave.  She reads his epitaph and bursts into tears.  “You weren’t around long enough,” she cries.
Antwain steps outside, heartbroken to see Tania riddled in grief.
“Baby, let me help you,” he says, not sure why Tania suddenly feels the need to move George III’s body, so soon after their wedding.
“Oh Antwain!” she cries; fresh tears sliding down her face onto Antwain’s shoulder.  “I have to do this alone.”
“Why do you have to do it at all?  Why now?”  Antwain asks, unaware that Tania has been secretly seeing and speaking with her dead brother while he’s asleep.
“It’s just something I have to do…for me.  I need to let him go and move on,” she says trying to convince herself as much as Antwain.
“Well, let me go with you.  I’ll help dig his ashes up,” Antwain offers.

“Antwain, I have to do this alone,” she says, praying that he’ll understand without her explaining.
“Can you at least take someone with you?  Please?” Antwain begs; knowing that Tania will need someone to lean on at the cemetery, even if it’s not him.
“OK, I’ll call my mom.  She’ll go with me,” Tania says, giving in to Antwain’s pleas.
Antwain feels much better. 

Tanis grabs his hands.  “Thank you for always being there for me,” Tania says knowing that he’s trying his best, despite her pushing him away.
“I love you,” Antwain says earnestly.

Tania closes her eyes to savor each word.
“I love you too,” she says in return.
“OK…I’ll just…I’ll leave you alone to take care of this,” he says, still not getting why she’s putting herself through this emotionally draining ordeal.
Tania doesn’t quite get it ether, but she’s going to trust her mother and grandmother’s instincts.
Tania removes George’s headstone and digs up his urn filled with his ashes.  She replaces the headstone with a large rock.
Antwain stands nearby as she works, wishing there was something he could do to ease her pain.

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