
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sims 3: The Deans (part 36)

Once again, George III’s spirit is drawn from his grave.
Repeating the patterns carried out when he was living, his first instinct is to take a shower.
Like a nearly drowned swimmer emerging from under water, Tania inhales deeply as she is awaken from her sleep by the sound of her shower being turned on.
She jumps out of bed and checks to make sure her instincts are right.  Sure enough, Antwain is still there in bed.  She knows that her grandmother would not use their shower.
It can only mean one thing.  Tania stands next to her bathroom door, waiting for her brother’s spirit to emerge.
Finally, George III leaves the bathroom and floats down the stairs.
Filled with the joy of seeing him once again, Tania follows him.
Tania’s joy is short lived, because she knows that she’ll have to say goodbye to her brother once again.  “Everyone thinks it’ll be best if I have your body moved,” she explains, more to herself than to George III.
“Do what’s best for you,” George III says in his whispery raspy voice.

“That’s the thing, I want you around, but no one else thinks that it’s a good idea.”
“You can’t push away the living, because you’re hanging on to the dead.  Move my body so that I can rest in peace,” he says.
George III says his peace, then floats outside, leaving Tania there to think about his words.
“But I’m not strong enough baby brother,” she whispers after him.
Feeling defeated by what she’s being forced to face, Tania walks upstairs to join her husband in bed.
George III, finding it tough to say goodbye to the habits of the living, lies down on the couch as if to take a nap.
Just as Antwain arrives downstairs to get ready to start his day, George III’s ghost disappears, living a orange glow that leaves Antwain believing that he’s seeing things.
Antwain chooses to ignore it and grabs leftover pancakes from the refrigerator.
Having a few days leave due to his new marriage, he decides to spend part of his day practicing his speaking skills in front of the mirror.
Tatiana wakes shortly after, glad to see the light of another day.
Tania is also awake, but her morning isn’t as joyful.  Today, she is faced with the task of exhuming her brother’s ashes and moving them to the cemetery.
After dressing, she pulls her hair up into a high bun.  She knows that today will be an emotional one for her and doesn’t want hair sticking to her tears.
Tania puts her task off for the moment to prepare breakfast.  Being in the house threatens to suffocate her, so she elects to head outside to prepare her meal.
She takes her time breaking her eggs as if slowing things down will make moving her brother’s body easier.
Her pancakes are burnt, but Tania feels numb all over.  She doesn’t even taste them.
She is all too aware of her brother’s grave behind her, awaiting a move to its final resting place.

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