
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 60)

Miles is finally able to pull himself together enough to leave on time for his concert.  His excitement over his first big concert, however, does not distract him enough to ignore the fact that it’s almost night time and Zawadi is not home yet.
Miles pulls up to the sports arena.  He knows not to expect huge crowds just yet, but he can imagine that he’ll be filling up the sports arena soon.
He rushes in before the concert crowd begins arriving.  Zawadi better be home when I get there! He says to himself, just before entering the arena.
Meanwhile, Sephora is running a little late for Miles concert.  She’s the one that gave Zawadi permission to go over Esme’s afterschool, but now she’s worried about leaving the house before Zawadi returns.
She doesn’t want to miss Mile’s first set, so she jumps on her bike and coasts down the hill.
As her mother worries, Zawadi makes her way home. 
As much as she would love to stop by Mitchell’s house, she decides that she’d better not push the limits with her parents.  The smarter decision is to go home.
Zawadi enters the house, which is empty of everyone except for Dazzle who is asleep on the chair.  She then remembers that her father had his first concert tonight and that her mother is attending.
Out of breath, Sephora steps off her bike in front of the sports arena.  She’s sure that she has already missed the first set.
Sephora rushes to the arena, hoping that Miles did not forget to put her on the VIP list.
She waits in the very short line, before entering the arena.  Inside, she’s impressed by the crowd that Miles was able to draw.  She missed his first song, but makes it in time to hear her favorites.
Sephora slips out of the arena just as Miles begins introducing some of the musicians and background singers accompanying him.  As much as she enjoyed the concert, she cannot help but be worried about whether Zawadi made it home or not.
Little does Sephora know, she has nothing to worry about.
Afraid to be at home alone at night, Zawadi crawls into her parents’ bed, where she feels safe, and falls asleep. 
She and Dazzle are fast asleep by the time Sephora makes it home.
Sephora arrives home and immediately begins looking for her daughter.  Zawadi!  Are you home?”  She calls out.
Sephora panics slightly when there is no answer.  Did she make it home from her classmate’s house?  She asks herself.
Then another thought occurs to her, Is she with Mitchell? Maybe I should have had the woohoo talk with her! She thinks to herself; worry all over her face.
Sephora can feel her anxiety level beginning to rise past her boiling point.  “Maybe I’m not ok with her having a boyfriend,” she says to herself.
She walks toward Zawadi’s bedroom praying to herself, please don’t let them be in here woohooing!
In a way, she’s relieved to see that Zawadi’s room is empty, but in another way it scares her because she still does not know where Zawadi is.
“Oh my God!  Where’s my baby?” She asks herself out loud.  Just before she’s about to lose it, she has one final thought, maybe she’s in our bedroom.
As Sephora pushes open her bedroom door, she again has a brief thought that Zawadi may not be alone in the bedroom.
She walks in and turns on the light; immediately breathing a sigh of relief.  “Thank God, she’s here safe…alone!”
She stares at her daughter’s pretty brown face for a few moments, feeling warmness and love in her heart.
Watching her sleeping in their bed, reminds Sephora of those times when Zawadi was a little girl and would crawl into their bed at night when she was afraid.  Those are moments that she has cherished and never thought she’d see again.
Sephora has to fight tears, as she feels herself becoming sentimental.
She briefly thinks about waking Zawadi up to relocate her to her own bed, but she doesn’t have the heart.  Instead she leaves the room to shower and get ready for bed herself.
She turns off the light and allows Zawadi to sleep on.
Meanwhile, Miles wraps everything up at the sports arena.  His concert went well and he’s proud that he was able to keep the crowd entertained.
Miles is still tying up loose ends when even the security guards begin to get restless and start to vacate the premises.
Finally Miles leaves the sports arena, again thinking about Zawadi and hoping she’s at home.
Tired and ready for bed, Sephora climbs into bed next to her daughter.
She falls asleep almost as soon as she places her head on the pillow; feeling a bond with her daughter that she once feared the teen years would rip apart.

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