
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 59)

Zawadi hurries to the school bus; excited about seeing Mitchell and the promise of their blossoming teenage romance.
Miles however is not very excited this morning as he places a leash on Dazzle and takes her for a walk.
Even though Miles is scheduled to perform at the sports arena for the first time tonight, the only thing on his mind is Zawadi having a boyfriend.
He grumpily walks up the hill with Dazzle, thinking about ways he can keep Zawadi’s mind away from boys.  Maybe it’s time to teach her to play the guitar, he thinks to himself.
Meanwhile, Zawadi boards the school bus after school.  One of her classmates, Esmeralda (Esme for short), has invited her over to her house to study after school.
“So where do you live?” Zawadi asks after Esme joins her.

“Not very far from school,”
Esme answers.
The bus passes all of the houses that Zawadi is aware of near the school.  She’s shocked when they begin driving toward the huge lone house, built on an island to itself.  “You live here?” Zawadi asks in awe when she realizes where they are going.
The bus drops them off in front of Esme’s gorgeous home.  “Wow!” Zawadi says excited to finally see this mysterious house up close.
“This is nothing.  I can imagine what your house must look like, since your dad is becoming so famous in the music industry.”

Zawadi cannot help but laugh at the fact that the kids at school assume that they must be rich because her dad is slowly becoming well known.
Zawadi decides to let Esme assume what she wants.  She pulls out her homework, “So where are we going to study?”
“Let’s go to the dining room,” Esme suggests.
Zawadi begins walking, awed by the size of the house.

“Uh…this way,”
Esme says pointing to her left.
The dining room is just as impressive as the rest of the house.  Zawadi wonders what Esme’s family does for a living, but is sure that it’s impolite to ask.
Zawadi sits down and begins working, while Esme heads for the kitchen.  “Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

“No thanks,”
Zawadi says, anxious to get started, hoping there will be time to stop by Mitchell’s house on the way home.
Esme finally sits down and the two of them attempt to tackle the algebra problems given to them by their overly strict math teacher.
Back at home, Miles and Dazzle return from their walk.
Miles feeds Dazzle a treat, wondering where Zawadi is.  Every since he and Sephora decided to get her a dog, she has been out of the house more than she’s been in.
“She’d better not be at Mitchell’s!” Miles says out loud to himself.
Zawadi has not been around to care for Dazzle in a few days.  Miles takes on the responsibility of giving Dazzle a bath, even though he has to leave for his concert in a few hours.
Miles rubs soap all over Dazzle, who obediently stands still for his cleaning.
“Dazzle, I just can’t get my mind off Zawadi and that boy,” Miles says deciding to save face by not bringing up his concerns with Sephora.
“Believe me…I’m going to nip that so-called relationship in the bud as soon as I suspect anything shady going on!”
Meanwhile, Zawadi and Esme have finished their homework.  “Hey maybe next time I can come over your house!  Then I can meet your dad,” Esme suggests.

“Um…yeah, sure,”
Zawadi says, again laughing to herself that Esme expects her family’s lifestyle to be more star studded.
“Have you thought about throwing a party at your house?  I know a lot of kids at school who are fans of your dad’s music.”

Zawadi suddenly suspects why Esme asked her over.  It wasn’t to study, it was Esme’s way of trying to meet a semi well known singer.

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